egypt tours packages

Expedia’s partnership with online lender Affirm makes it easier to book a vacation. Egypt tour packages include everything from a Nile River cruise to professional guides and food. The Nile cruise is a highlight of the trip. You’ll also want to explore the Egyptian culture and the food. Luckily, many companies offer all of this and more. Here are a few tips to book an Egypt tour package:

Expedia’s partnership with online lender Affirm makes it easier to book a vacation

Choosing financing for a vacation can be a big decision. Generally speaking, you should try to save for it before you depart. Fortunately, with Affirm’s new financing option, you can book your vacation in installments. At checkout, you’ll be presented with a prompt asking you to sign up for Affirm. If you’re using your credit card, consider the interest rates and repayment terms. In addition, you’ll need to decide if you’d like to use rewards points for your trip.

The payment method you choose for your Egypt tour package should be easy to understand. Most online lenders accept VISA and MasterCard, so the process is relatively simple. Alternatively, you can use your existing credit card. For most packages, a Visa or MasterCard credit card will work just fine. For more information, visit Affirm’s website. Once you’re signed up, you can start booking.

Egypt tour packages include a Nile River cruise

Choosing an Egypt tour package that includes a Nile River cruise allows you to experience the tranquil waters of the Nile, far removed from mainstream liners. Along the banks of the Nile, you can tour the Valley of the Kings, home to some of Egypt’s most renowned sights, and atop a bluff-top temple dedicated to the crocodile god. You can also visit the famous Temple of Isis, a recovered temple from the submerged island of Philae. The Nile Cruise also includes a farewell dinner in Cairo and a Felucca sailboat excursion.

Nile River cruises provide travelers with the opportunity to see the sights of Luxor and Aswan on the banks of the river. The sights along the banks are so magnificent that you may never want to leave. As you glide downstream, the gondolas sway, glide, and bob up and down. You can enjoy the views, and if you choose a Nile cruise tour, you can see the Pyramids of Giza, Sakkara, and the Egyptian Museum. You can also choose to spend a day on the beach in Sharm El Sheikh, or explore the mountain and desert activities of the surrounding area.

Professional guides

Private Egypt tour guides are the key to a truly memorable trip to Egypt. They are able to get you into areas that a public tour guide cannot. These guides can give you insight on everything from the natural attractions to contemporary heritage. They will also be able to explain historical sites and share interesting facts about their country. A private tour guide will be able to give you personalized attention, so you can ask as many questions as possible.

These tours can be either day trips or multiday journeys and range from around $1,500 USD to $2,000 USD. Many professional guides on these trips are from local communities and are experienced in Egypt. In addition to their expertise, the companies often use local hotels and employ guides from the local communities. You can choose from various day trip options from Cairo, Alexandria, Sharm el-Sheikh, and other cities. The prices for these tours vary, depending on the length of your trip and your preferences.

Food and culture

A food tour in Egypt is a great way to learn about the food, culture, and history of Egypt. Egyptian cuisine dates back around 5000 years. It focuses on vegetables, onions, and legumes, and Egyptian bread is an integral part of almost every meal. The tour will help you understand how Egyptians eat, and how these foods have influenced their cuisine. It will also teach you about the traditions and history of the cuisine.

Most Egyptians enjoy a good cup of tea. Black tea, a staple of Egyptian culture, is widely available in many forms and is prepared in a variety of ways. Herbal teas such as hibiscus and mint are also popular, and you can add fresh mint leaves to your cup. You can also taste the delicious local cheese, and other cheeses. And of course, you’ll get to try some of the nation’s famous sweets.